AKC Junior Hunter Hunt Test Title
HUNTING: A dog is scored from "0-10" on the basis of whether or not evidences a keen desire to hunt, boldness and independance, and a fast, yet useful pattern of running. A dog that lacks independance to the extent that it seldom leaves the handler's side, needs constant direction as to hunt or is directed into bird(s) has not demonstrated adequate hunting ability and cannot receive a qualifying score.
BIRD FINDING ABILITY: A dog must find and point birds in order to have a qualifying score. Dogs are scored from "0-10" based on demorstration of intelligence in seeking objectives, use of the wind, and the ability to find birds.
POINTING: A dog is scored from "0-10" in this category based on the intensity of it's point, as well as it's ability to locate (pinpoint) birds under difficult scenting conditions and/or confusing scent patterns. A "flash" point cannot be graded as pointing, however, a dogs score in this category shall not be influenced in this category by its steadiness to wing and shot.
TRAINABILITY: A dog is scored from "0-10" in this category on it's willingness to be handled, it's reasonable obedience to commands and it's gun response. If the handler is within reasonable gun range of a bird which has been flushed after point, a blank pistol must be fired.
Gun response is included under Trainability in Junior, Senior and Master for purposes of scoring since some degree of training is often involved. "Gun-Shyness" a component of gun response cannot be tolerated in the make-up of any dog that is being evaluated as a hunting companion.
This excerpt was taken from the Regulations for AKC Hunting Tests for Pointing Breeds. (Amended Aug. 2007) Published by the American Kennel Club. Click here to read this pdf file.